Tuesday, May 26, 2009

40 weeks! The due date!

Today marks the day of being 40 weeks pregnant. I'm anticipating the due date will come and go just like any other day we have been patiently awaiting the arrival of Baby Volkmann. I'm still feeling good and continue to get projects done around the house that I've put off since last summer. My dad tells me I'm getting slower everyday and bigger everyday. I'm pretty sure that is the case. I think he likes it though, because he's not too speedy himself. He can now keep up to me :) We'll be sure to spread the news as soon as the day comes that Baby Girl or Baby Boy Volkmann arrives.

Happy Anniversary!

Today, May 26th, Trevor and I celebrate our two year wedding anniversary. I posted some pictures from our wedding day. I seem to find new favorites everytime I look through them. I would marry Trevor all over again; anyday! It was such a fun day and the preparations leading up to our big day were also very enjoyable. The showers, parties, and shopping days with family and friends all were exciting days! Happy Anniversary Trevor. I love you!

What a handsome man!


After the graduation ceremony! Trevor was as excited as I was to be done. He's off the hook for a lot of general housework now!!!

This is the class of nurse educators with our primary professor in the NE tract with the cap on.

After I was hooded!

My support crew at the hooding and graduation ceremonies.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

38 2/7 weeks!

This was taken yesterday at 38 1/7 weeks pregnant.

What a picture! In this picture, I'm 37 3/7 weeks and my friend Courtney is about 6 weeks behind me in her pregnancy. She is expecting twins. We took this the evening of my graduation party. What a night! Thanks to all those that could come!! It was a fun evening. Prior to the evening, I actually was hooded for my Master's degree in Science as a Nurse Educator in the morning and participated in the graduation ceremony afternoon in Winona. It was a long day, but well worth it!! Now, Trevor and I are just awaiting the arrival of Baby V. Today, I'm 38 2/7 weeks pregnant. I'm still feeling good and just enjoying being pregnant. I have no cares in the world, except to go to work. It's quite nice. The babies room is ready, the carseat base is ready to go, and now we just wait. I had a physician appointment yesterday. The babies heartrate was 136, no cervical dilation, and my blood pressure was good. Hopefully I can post more pictures sometime this weekend. Take care....